Rotary Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange
The Committee co-ordinates and facilitates reciprocal 12 month secondary school exchanges between students sponsored by Rotary Clubs in District 9800 and Rotary Clubs in other Districts overseas. The students undergo an extensive selection process to ensure that they are competent and able to maximise the benefit from the Youth Exchange experience, whilst fostering an enduring relationship with their Host Club. The objective is to provide a unique and effective Rotary supported educational and cultural opportunity, whilst promoting goodwill, peace and understanding. The District supports students, both outbound and inbound and is always looking for involvement from new clubs.
Chair: Gabrielle Morgan (West Footscray)
Deputy Chair: Garry Gunnell (Bendigo)
Deputy Chair: Garry Gunnell (Bendigo)
Insurance Officer: Geoff Asher (Glen Eira)
Secretary: Maria Silber (Footscray)
Treasurer: Garry Gunnell (Bendigo)
Governance: Gary Goldsmith (Camberwell)
YE Protection Officer: Anthony Langley (Brighton
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